Nadácia +421 organizuje opäť svoju ikonickú prezentáciu umenia a módy zo Slovenska v USA – Slovak Fashion Night. Je to galavečer s dlhou históriou v spolupráci so Slovensko-Americkým kultúrnym strediskom (S-ACC) a Generálnym konzulátom SR v New Yorku.
17. ročník Slovak Fashion Night bude súčasťou gala večera na plese Slovak Ball 2024, kde bude otvorená putovná výstava fotografií ,,ONE CITY – MANY WORLDS“. Fotografie boli vytvorené špeciálne pre tento projekt. Hlavnou myšlienkou je výpoveď štyroch umelcov, ktorí stoja za objektívom fotoaparátu a skupina rôznych umelcov, ktorí stoja pred objektívom. Spája ich v určitom momente život hlavného mesta Bratislava a jeho periférie. Mix emócií je výpoveďou umeleckej duše tejto doby, ako forma vyjadrenia svojej vlastnej kreativity a identity.
Módna prehliadka Slovak Fashion Night pod záštitou umeleckého tímu z Atelier71- Remeselnícky dom odevného dizajnu na Slovensku predvedie kolekcie udržateľnej módy nasledovných umelcov:
● Kolekcia Esencia – MONIKA LACEKOVÁ / MoLa Couture, zakladateľka Atelier71 a autorka textilnej inovácie Ty Si IQ. Kolekcia vznikla kombináciou odpadových zbytkov materiálov a autorskej textilnej inovácie TY si IQ. Základnou črtou kolekcie je ženskosť, krajčírske remeslo, recyklácia, ručná práca, detail plastickej výšivky, sklenené gombíky a korálky, ako móda s príbehom.
● Kolekcia Eden – EVA BEŇOVÁ. Kolekcia vznikla počas odbornej stáže v Atelier71, na základe ocenenia GLASS BUTTON AWARD pre nové tváre módnej scény. Hlavným motívom je záhrada Eden, ktorá je zobrazená formou ručnej potlače Linoryt, na šatách z prírodného materiálu ľan. Modely sú dotvorené textilnou aplikáciou a 3D výšivkou.
● Kolekcia A -Gain / DAVID DEMOVIČ, vznikla recykláciou odpadu z krajčírske dielne, formou vytvorenia textilnej inovácie TY si IQ a recykláciou rifloviny (recycled denim). David Demovič sa zameral na náročnú konštrukciu strihu korzetov, s plynulým prechodom do jednoduchej línie sukne, zvýraznené 3D efektom aranžmánu, alebo efektom textilnej inovácie. Študent David Demovič je súčasťou tímu Atelier71.
● Obuv, dizajn a výroba OLDŘICH VOYTA v spolupráci so študentami atelieru Design obuvi Univerzity Tomáše Bati v Zlíně. Obuv vznikla z odpadového materiálu dielne Atelier71 a textilnej inovácie TY si IQ.
Výstava je kurátorsky vedená newyorským umelcom Samom Farrierom a umelkyňou, autorkou Nellou Mrazic.
Predstaví sa aj operná speváčka Julia Radosz so svojím neuveriteľným spinto soprano.
Výťažok z podujatia bude venovaný na štipendiá pre amerických študentov, ktorí majú záujem naučiť sa po slovensky a spoznať našu krajinu.
Zoznam umelcov:
● Jonn Klein – Photographer @jonnklein
●Dominika Hrnčiříková – Photographer @dominika_hrncirikova_photo
●Aneta Holehesch – Photographer @aneta_holehesh
●Laura Ďuráková – Photography Student – Škola umeleckého priemyslu Josefa Vydru @zirafa_vava @vavapfoto
● Škola umeleckého priemyslu Josefa Vydru @supkaba
●Katarina Morhacova – Actress / Fashion Model @morhacova
●Eva Staronova – Project Leader / Fashion Model / +421 Foundation Founder @plus421foundation
●Jana Labajová – Actress / Fashion Model @labajova
●Kristína Szegenyova – Fashion Model @kristina_szegenyova
●Oľga Seregi – Salón Lady’s Plus @seregiolga_hairstylist
●Alena Galik – Make-Up Artist @alenagalik_makeup
●Lucia Ružová – Make-Up Artist @luciaruzova
●Iveta Hittrichová – Make-Up Artist @ivetahittrichova
●Monika Laceková – Fashion Designer / Atelier71 Founder
●Atelier71 – remeselnícky dom odevného dizajnu
●Eva Beňová – Fashion Designer / Glass Button Award Laureate @benovaeva
●David Demovič – Fashion Designer @ddaviddaavid
●Oldřich Voyta – Footwear Designer @oldrich.voyta
●Univerzita Tomáše Bati Zlín @utbzlin
●Andrea Berdisová – Fashion Design Student – UMPRUM Praha @andrea.berdisova
●Ema Vrbovski – Fashion Model @emavrbovski
Art Director: Nella Mrazic @nellah_mx and Samuel Farrier
General Partner: S-ACC Slovak-American Cultural Center / Slovensko Americke Kulturne Stredisko @slovakamericancc @sabinasabados @slovakball
With support of the Consulate General of Slovakia in NY
Slovak Fashion Night at the Slovak Ball 2024
Slovak Fashion Night is a gala evening with a long history. Plus421 Foundation’s 17th edition signature event is in cooperation with the Consulate General of Slovakia in New York and the Slovak-American Cultural Center (S-ACC) at the 2024 SlovakBall.
A traveling photo exhibition „ONE CITY – MANY WORLDS“ will be launched at the Slovak Fashion Night. The photos were created especially for this project. The main idea is to showcase a statement of four artists who stand behind the camera’s lens and a group of different artists, who stand in front of the lens. They are united at a certain moment by the life of the capital city of Slovakia, Bratislava, and its periphery. The mix of emotions is a statement of the artistic soul of this time, as a form of expression of one’s creativity and identity.
The fashion show is under the auspices of the artistic team from Atelier71, a craft house where the traditional Slovakian arts are being revived. It focuses primarily on fashion design, where creativity reigns. Its purpose is to create, learn, and connect. It was established by the Mola Couture head designer, Monika Lacekova, who has vitally enhanced the textile industry through her artistry and educating for 30 years. Atelier71 emphasizes hand-made design and is involved in multiple projects to restore and preserve true craftsmanship. The team coaches artistic embroidery, hat making, and textile recycling- just to name a few-springing the new generation of artists and fashion designers.
● Esencia collection – MONIKA LACEKOVÁ / MoLa Couture, founder of Atelier71 and author of the textile innovation Ty Si IQ (You are IQ). The collection was created by a combination of waste materials and the author’s textile innovation TY si IQ (You are IQ). The basic features of the collection are femininity, tailoring, recycling, handwork, plastic embroidery detail, glass buttons, and beads, like fashion with a story.
● Eden collection – EVA BEŇOVÁ. The collection was created during a professional internship at Atelier71, based on the GLASS BUTTON AWARD for new faces of the fashion scene. The main motif is the Garden of Eden, which is shown in the form of hand-printed Linocut, on a dress made of the natural material of linen. The models are completed with textile application and 3D embroidery.
● The A-Gain / DAVID DEMOVIČ collection was created by recycling waste from a tailor’s workshop, in the form of creating the textile innovation Ty Si IQ (You are IQ), and recycling jeans (recycled denim). David Demovič focused on the demanding construction of the cut of the corsets, with a smooth transition to the simple line of the skirt, highlighted by the 3D effect of the arrangement, or the effect of textile innovation. Student David Demovič is part of the Atelier71 team.
● Footwear design and production of OLDŘICH VOYTA is in cooperation with students of the Footwear Design studio of Tomáš Bata University in Zlín. The shoes were created from the waste material of the Atelier71 workshop and the textile innovation TY si IQ (You are IQ).
The event is to benefit the S-ACC Scholarship Fund fostering cultural exchange and mutual understanding of the Slovakian society.